Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Break Catching Upppp

I'm so so terrible at this blogging thing but I'm just so so busy lately!

Dublin was absolutely incredible, it was seriously everything I'd ever hope for and more. I got to see pretty much everything there and the weather was absolutely gorgeous which was really nice. It was sort of crazy being the Six Nations weekend with all the Welsh (eww) and the weekend before St. Patrick's Day but it pretty much made it even better. My first night there I literally got in, went straight to the Shining Hostel (baha), took a bunch of shots, and then met Glen Hansard (LOVE) who bought us Guinness, so it was obviously perfect. The rest of the nights were just as good, especially since our accommodations got better each night leading up to us being upgraded to the Crowne Plaza the last night which was so nice, probably would have been nicer if I actually slept there haha but staying out all that night was totally worth it.

Following Dublin I legit like broke my ankle and didn't have a voice for a week but I didn't care (that much...) because ASHLEY WAS HEREEE! I stumbled off the flight that Sunday and went to the St Patrick's Day festival in Trafalger's Square with her and then ignored my homework Tuesday night to see her. St. Patrick's day Wednesday was hilarious/a bit sloppy, as noticed when 2/3 of my journalism class didn't show up the next morning (even though Steph and I made it yay!)

Then Lizzie and Tim came Thursday and us and Ashley and some of my NYU loves here went to O'Neils in Piccadilly which was fun as alwayss and Ash and I got to dance on stage and then the next night we wandered around and ended up following these people in costumes to some "exclusive" club which was random but funn. Then they all left Saturday and I was saddd but desperately needed sleep/to do all my work anyway.

This past week was a blur of failing at my law and society paper and trying to get my life together for spring break WHICH IM NOW ONNNN! I got back from Paris Monday which was AMAZING, I swear every time Lizzie and I meet up abroad it just gets better haha. We did everything from talking to divorcees and singing to Queen to running around the Moulin Rouge Area again to being Harry Potter characters to just being British in general to talking to ourselves alone in British accents (oh wait.. maybe that was just me) and i got to meet family friends that my grandpa originally met in WWII so that was really cool.

Now i'm back in London which is so so quiet with almost everyone gone... I'm jealous of everyone out traveling right now but with my consistent lack of voice, overwhelming amount of work/volunteer stuff/job apps/etc, and just recovering ankle I kind of desperately needed some alone time so it's been really nice. Plus I obviously needed to rest up for the ridiculous time Angela, Caitlin and I are about to have on break!

I miss everyone at home and I can't wait to see you all, just wish I never had to leaveee

Wednesday, March 10, 2010



i cannot believe it.

and then

i come home

and ASHLEY IS HERE and its london's st patricks day parade and then its st patricks day and then LIZZIE and then lots of papers due boo but then


time is going SO fast i cant believe it. which is why im vowing to not sleep for one second in ireland. we'll see how that goes

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I'm sorry to anyone who still looks at this that I'm such a blog fail! Between midterms and after-midterms celebrating and fashion week stuff and applying to internships and planning my event and classes and planning trips I've been a total mess, especially now that I've gotten sick booo.

Anyway, I love and miss everyone and can't wait for Ashley Emrani's visit and Ireland and spring break yayayay