Monday, April 19, 2010

Spring Break, Volcanos, and Strawberry Tea

So my spring break was absolutely incredibly AMAZING with caitlin and angela, we went to Nice and Monte Carlo and Naples, Vesuvius, Pompeii, Capri, Florence... so so much fun and everything was so beautiful and I have the most amazing memories in all of the places that will last foreverr (so corny baha) we met so many awesome people and saw so much and did so much and i'll never forget our Australian boyfrands, dancing on tables and seeing the sunrise in Nice, drinking wine in the middle of the day in Monte Carlo, "big daddy" and crazy hips in Naples, the puppies in Vesuvius, panini boy in Pompeii, carving our initials in at the top of Capri and all of the craziness in Florence that I can't even write on here!

Coming back felt so so weird but it definitely felt like I was coming home when I was finally able to flop back into my sauna of a room in Nido, and it's been great catching up with everyone. I've been super busy planning my Strawberry Tea event for Breast Cancer Care, which is coming up so soon and I'm really nervous/excited for!

Of course, the damper on this is the freakshow of natural disasters that is the volcanic explosions in Iceland. While there is absolutely no way you'd know it from being here, apparently I'm living under a huge cloud of ash right now, aka my mom couldn't come this weekend when she was supposed to. Now I'm just hoping and praying her and Lizzie can get here this weekend, I miss them both lots!

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