Monday, February 8, 2010

Dear Bath water, please work...

I officially suck at this blog businesss which is strange since i work for one. But. Anyway.

I'm going to be super lame and uncreative here and just start listing what I've done because I had a very British weekend (at least in my opinion) so I'm pretty proud of myself:

Thursday: After 6 hours of class I went to a wonderfull dinner at O'Neils with Kelsey where we had my most legit English meal yet of fish and chips and Guinness! Then we just hung around in the cafe with lots of people and then went out around midnight in this huge group where we ended up in Angel but things were closed so we just went to the Lexington and then homeee

Friday: Friday was exciting because I finally went to M&S, which is pretty much the closest thing I've found here to a Trader Joe's (even though it isn't half as amazing, of course). They had a huge deal on pain au chocolat that I somehow resisted so I'm very proud of myself for that. Friday night ended up at the rocket as many seem to do, where the bouncer made fun of me from being from New Jersey and I met French boys and was terrified because all I could think about was the movie "Taken."

Saturday: I had been looking forward to Saturday allll week because Caitlin and I were finally going vintage shopping! But of course the tube was messed up and we ended up accidently leaving London and being in Essex, so after hours of being lost we finally just decided to go to Oxford Street and spend ridiculous amounts of money shopping in their epic Topshop which was amazinggggg. And then we had an adorable girl's night in Soho during which we met British guys that promised they would take us to a good club, which involved lots of walking. My heels + cobblestones + British guy walking too close to me = massive disastrous falls which my legs are still recovering from. But it was worth it of course because Soho is so so much fun and Charlie's Angels (aha) are pretty much awesome.

Sunday: Trip to Stonehenge and Bath! I was surprisingly super interested in Stonehenge (the sheep were a total plus) and Bath was really pretty and interesting, too. The water there tastes like iron and blood but is aparently good for your joints so my aching knees and I chugged a full glass.

So now this is pretty caught up sorry it's boring if anyone still reads itttt

And I miss my friends back home. And family and dogs and shoes that don't want make me fall.

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