Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Rainy Dayyy

So lots of random people have told me they read this and I apologize to all of youu because I never update and my updates aren't that exciting but it's nice to know people from home still read it <3 I have my weekly columns for collegefashion.net that I have to write since it's mah jobbb and those talk about study abroad so if anyone cares enough that's always updated

and it's an amazing site that you should go on anyway especially right now with NY Fashion Week going on which I miss so so much. DVF and MJ were incredible so far and I'm so excited for London fashion week.

But anyway. Today was rainy rainy and I discovered my boots are like ripped on the bottom so now I actually have to go shopping because sitting through Middle Eastern Politics with wet shoes and feet is no fun

I feel lame updating about my weekend but it was fun minus all of the 3,000 word paper writing and research but I'm so glad to have that over with

AND I AM SO EXCITED JESS SZE IS COMING I LITERALLY MAY SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUST. AND THAT ARIELLE IS COMING TO JERSEY THIS SUMMER. even though the fact that study abroad is going abroad is seriously scary since there's so so much more I still want to do. i'm working on booking spring break right now and it seems like greece is going to work so i'm excitedddd

and and lizzie and tim are coming and ashley (i hope?!) still is so yay lots to look forward to!

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