Wednesday, February 3, 2010


So having Wednesdays off is officially amazing (minus the fact I can't sleep in due to fire alarm testing at 11 grrrr) and I love being able to go out on Tuesday nights like last night at the Lexington which was so cute.

But. The whole not having class + London being ridiculously gray and foggy outside seemingly every Wednesday makes me so insanely lazy. Lazy as in the farthest I have gone today is the cafe even though my room for some reason is sauna-status hot. So I've just been looking at summer internship stuff (ahh) and online "window" shopping (if anyone knows where to find these please please tell me, I'm obsessed) and I have come to two conclusions:

1. I really, really really hope this summer works out with me finding a good TV internship in the city and a job and living with Jess Sze. Like I can't think of any better way to spend my summer and I want it to happen so bad.
(this of course includes the part where we all get a Jersey shore house for my birthday and Arielle visits and we GTL errrydayyy)

2. I want to go to London fashion week so bad too. Like if this summer works out and I somehow make it to London fashion week, I may explode of happiness. And while I highly doubt both will happen, I sincerely wish by some miracle that they could. Henry Holland was one of my very first designer obsessions and I would kill to see his show. And Matthew Williamson's. And... yeah, pretty much all of them. Gah British people being so cute and perfect and good at everything.

Anyway, it's like.. 4 something here and I should at least try to leave Nido once today so I'm going to venture out to buy a newspaper for my lovely Journalism class. I miss and love everyone back at home and I think you should all start waking up earlier so I can actually talk to more of you <3

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