Monday, February 1, 2010

Paris, Je T'aime-- Part Deux


Considering the fact that I've wanted to go to Paris since I was une petite Colleen, this weekend was like absolutely, incredibly, tete-exploding wonderful. And after weeks (ok.. like 2 weeks) of missing NYU people BEAUCOUP, it was amazing to see Lizzie, who is always amazing to see of course but especially when we're running around Paris together. Her blog has our weekend mapped out in detail so check that outtt because I'm tres fatigue maintenant and have a class early demain so I don't want to write a lot.

But suffice it to say that the Eiffel Tower is unbelievable at night, I am secretly in love with a French street performer who lets me play with bubbles with him, I want to furnish my first apartment with Parisian furniture, vin chaud is the best thing that ever happened to me, when my hands get really cold they turn into sausages, I CAN NOW WATCH AMERICAN TV ONLINE, lizzie and i are going to be on Jersey Shore this summer, Lizzie speaks French impossibly well, we saw the weirdest people ever on the Metro, I love how easy the Metro is that I don't even get lost (which is such a first), I'm glad I didn't buy my angry Russian man hat, I'm sad I didn't get my Eiffel Tower brandy (I want one Lizzie!), I COULD LIVE OFF OF FRENCH FOOD ESP. PAIN AU CHOCOLAT AND EXPRESSO, I almost became a dancer in the Moulin Rouge/Lizzie and I almost got taken there....

Basically, it was a really, really wonderful first trip to take. I still can't believe I was just in Paris this morning and I'm proud of myself for taking the Eurostar by myself since I hate traveling alone so much. I can't say enough about how much fun I had with Lizzie and how much I cannot wait to go back to see Versailles and the Champs-Elysees. And of course I can't wait to return the favor when her and Tim come (even though I don't think the three of us can fit in my bed like Lizzie and I did hers....)

Other Things I'm Excited About:
- I signed up to start volunteering with the Marie Curie Breast Cancer Cure people and they started an email correspondence with me and I'm really excited to do something for them. I'd love to host an event but we'll see!
- I can't wait to go shopping in London. I need to like now before the sales end.
- More traveling! Paris got me so excited to go exploring more all over Europe. I really really hope I can go to Madrid to see Daniella when she comes!

Au revoir et je t'aime,

1 comment:

  1. Madrid with Colleen <3 estoy muy feliz sobre nos viaje a Europa! aye aye ayeeeeeee
