Tuesday, January 19, 2010

First Week!

So I officially left a week ago today (though I do not think I've been here a full week yet because of the time difference but close enough...) and classes officially started for me today. The 3 hour class thing is kind of tough but I actually sort of like it, the break in the middle is perfect for grabbing coffee and professors speaking with accents makes everything infinitely more exciting.

In sad news, I'm pretty sure my vidchat does not work here... I was hoping it was just a fluke thing but a few people have now told me that theirs doesn't work here either. So please please everyone get skype!

In sad/happy news, Kraft bought Cadbury aka the people who make chocolate that I have had for breakfast, lunch, tea time, and dinner everyday here (they have it now in America but not all of their products). This probably means that it's going to become much more available in the US, which probably means I'm doomed to gain 3847 pounds when I'm eating it and not losing all the weight I lose here trying to find my way around these crazy streets.

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