Thursday, January 21, 2010

Topping Up

So I obviously am not so great at this blog thing considering I just realized I haven't actually even chronicled a single day here so I'm "topping up" my posts today with actual information about my life..

For those of you who aren't British, they use "topping up" from everything to adding more phone minutes to refilling Oyster cards (their version of Metro cards) to talking about fashion (like Vogue this month says "What To Top Up Your Closet With").

So now that you have some of the adorable vocab they use here, here are some of my life highlights from the first week of classes:

First, I guess I should be thankful that I like barely have class. Everyone I talk to is jealous but for those who know me, it's pretty much my worst nightmare. I love being busy and overwhelming myself and having a million things to do and I absolutely can never relax. I'm trying hard to learn how though--I even sleep here (which is so abnormal for me).

Second, on that note, I really do wish I had a job. But since I don't think I will be able to get one (especially with all of the travel I want to do on weekends), I'm just going to volunteer 387423 and maybe join their paper here. I know I know, I suck at this whole "vacation" sort of thing.

Third, I also want to spend my extra time doing more exploring around here. Tomorrow I'm going to Greenwich which I'm pretty excited about except it's a boat ride and the weather tomorrow is supposed to be kind of gross, so yeah, could potentially be a bit rough. But I'm even getting used to the rainy weather (I have the wildest Carrie Bradshaw hair here and it's pretty funny), as it makes days like today (which was surprisingly sunny!) seem really amazing and wonderful.

Fourth, I love my classes. My Politics of the Near and Middle East is so interesting and I'm so excited to not be stupid about Middle East history and geography anymore. My Journalism class is amazing. My professor used to be a political correspondent on BBC and then ran BBC online and now is just an adorable man with his own publishing company and all that. I'm pretty sure I'm in love/he's my hero/wish he was my best friend. And my Law class is okay, definitely the most boring so far but the professor is so smart that at least I'm sure I'll learn a lot. And he's adorable too. Of course. Everyone here is.

So looking back that pretty much sucked as an update of my day. But some more wonderful things about this week are that their version of Barnes & Noble (aka one of my favorite places in the world) is right by classes and I've been there like every day browsing magazines and drinking coffee and listening to British accents. There's also a cute cafe by classes that my friend and I found today where people bet on whether or not Americans need Visas to come here and the waiter called me "love" and "sweetheart." Seriously, I really am in love with everyone here and how adorable and nice and perfect they all are.

Well that's about it for noww I'm thinking... I have so so much I want to do this weekend (like shopping!) and the idea of me being in Paris about a week from today with Lizzie makes me tres heureuse <3

Ps.. Check out the love of my life in action... BBC is awesome but seriously, Anderson Cooper is too wonderful.

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