Friday, January 15, 2010


So I'm on my second or third day here (the time difference confuses me like crazy) and things have definitely gotten better. I think there's just no way to prepare for what a total and absolute change studying abroad is no matter how ready you think you are, or maybe that's just me. Either way, adjusting to London technically is pretty hard, getting a new phone set up and just trying to make it "home" overall, but it's pretty exciting too. I've found it's easiest to just take it one day at a time because the idea of being here for 4 months still kind of makes my head want to explode.

"Brill" (aka what I love here):
-The chocolate. I'm lame to put this first but European chocolate seriously is my favorite thing in the world. I've pretty much consumed my weight in Buttons already.

-Bars. There are literally bars everywhere. And when I say everywhere I mean like in my class buildings and dorm they have deals on Vodka and Red Bull, Sex on the Beaches... pretty much everything. Not that I want to drink during class but I think it's pretty awesome that they do.

-Accents. This is obviously a given. But I love it. I have a problem where when people speak to me in an accent I start copying it, which has been slightly embarrassing so far, but I'm so jealous of the accents.

-British people. British people are amazingly funny. Part of this is probably because of my infatuation with their accents, but even the police chief telling us yesterday about how we're all going to get robbed was hilarious (he also told us to puke on someone who tried to rob/rape us.. hmmm..). And they're all super attractive. Seriously, there must be something in the water here or whatever because while I'm running around looking like a frizzy rat in this weather they all look perfect.

-Extracurriculars. While classes are looking kinda hard, I'm so so excited for volunteering stuff and traveling (Lizzie I'm coming to see you soon!) They also have a Harry Potter club here. Yeah, I'm in a nerd. But I'm right by where platform 9 3/4 is anddd they have a Harry Potter club here that plays Quidditch, so I'm basically going to become a wizard.

-Drinking age. Another given, but gotta include it.

-NYU people. So nice, so excited to get to know them better.

"Wanker" (aka how London is weird)
-Money. So expensive. They generally only take "chip and pin" credit cards. They have crazy pickpockets and ATM scams. Basically, I'm going to be poor in like 1 day and I can't find a job.

-Food. I'm a picky eater and because of this, I've had approximately one actual meal since I left America. Yeah, it's that bad (and expensive).

-Streets. We all know I suck at directions but here it is seriously a maze. I'm terrified to go anywhere and have gotten lost countless times. Seriously, who designed this place?

-Weather. I expected rain but this is actual 24/7 rain. Like, they don't even bother to say rain in the weather reports because it's just a given. All the weather reports say is just "gray clouds," which is all it is. Besides rain. I have yet to see the sun. My hair is a poof (and not in the Jersey Shore way, in the frizzy mess way).

-Cell phone. I don't have a phone here that works overseas aka I'm isolated unless you come find me or facebook me. Not cool, especially when I get lost.

So that's my update for now about life... I'm on my way out to get a straightener that works here and try to fix my complicated phone situation (really Verizon? Killing me even when I'm here?)

I love and miss you all andd just know that if you BBM me or whatever and I don't answer it's probably the time difference. London wears me out so my insomnia doesn't even matter anymore, gotta sleep lots and lots


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