Wednesday, January 13, 2010


So I'm finally in London after a killerrr long flight and I have to say, it's pretty weird. London itself is really nice minus the cold and snow but it feels so, so strange to be here. I freaked out for a little on the plane when I realized how long I'm going to be gone for and how much I'm really going to miss everyone I left behind.

My dorm here is really pretty from the outside and the lobby but definitely a little cramped in the actual room. However, everything looks really clean and I'm on the top floor so I have a pretty good view.

I guess my main problem is that I just miss everyone at home so much, like a ridiculous amount. But hopefully that'll get better as time goes on and I'm less tired, too!

Love and miss you all and promise to write about more interesting and happier stuff when I'm not as tired and dead,

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