Monday, January 25, 2010

It even rains indoors here...

My ceiling drips. Even now when it's not actually raining for once. And my straightener burnt a hole in both my leg and my bed. My insomnia is out of control.

But I love it here. I love British people and humor and way of life and way of looking at things. I love my classes, even the required one. It's so interesting to see everything from a different point of you.

I love the people here, British and not British. I've met so many amazing people, I literally am in awe of how smart/funny/etc a lot of them are. I miss my friends from home and family who are obviously all great too but I'm so happy to be here.

This is a terrible update but i need sleep.

Also, Arielle Feldshon is a goddess for sending me this video:

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