Sunday, January 17, 2010

Things I've learned so far..

1. My bathroom is haunted (this seems to happen a lot at NYU...)

2. A diet consisting only of caffeine, cheap alcohol, and European candy will eventually start to make your hands shake.

3. And yes, you can overdose on Cadbury chocolate.

4. There actually is sun in London, you just rarely see it. When you do (like today), it's ridiculously exciting.

5. Digestive biscuits (biscuits=cookies) are actually just regular cookies, not cookies with laxatives like you may think.

6. They still play Ke$ha here. And I still keep trying to walk into rooms when "the party don't start till i come in" plays. And I still look like a tooool.

7. The 5 hour time difference from here to New York/NJ is endlessly annoying.

8. People often park their cars up on the curb. Likewise, buses drive crazy close to sidewalks. All in all, I will probably be hit by at least one car/bus/truck while here.

9. I'm fairly positive everyone in America has a European twin. It's kind of freaky but I've seen at least 4 people that are identical to people I know at home.

10. My address! By this I of course mean the place you can all write to me since I miss you. Message me on facebook/skype/ichat/etc if you want it =]

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